Cortez Cleanup Week planned for end of October

Cleanup Week takes place in May and October each year

Montezuma-Cortez school board president honored with McGuffey Award

State award honors those who have shown dedication

Cortez Municipal Airport renews contract with Denver Air Connection

Airline has provided services in Cortez for 20 months

Montezuma County backs out of noxious weed-removal program

When the county cut back its Phreatophyte Removal Project, it affected landowners, too

A spooky tale is making its way to the Sunflower Theatre

The tale is for mature, adult audiences only

Police reports on Cortez lockdowns reveal a whirlwind of rumors, but no weapons

There were many reports from students, much of which could not be confirmed

Piñon Project announces Pumpkin Fest on Oct. 26

The festival will include a variety of activities Piñon Project is hosting a Pumpkin Fest prior to the Halloween holiday on Oct. 26 at Montezuma Park on West Montezuma Avenue. The festival w...

Man arrested for alleged Cortez arson and theft to appear in court

The man was also involved in a Cortez fire last year

PCC to host open house about forestry workforce

Forestry and similar professions invited to learn more

Cortez Independence Day shooter sentenced to 24 months’ probation

The minor was found guilty and apologized to the community

Duece Martinez appears in the 22nd Judicial District for nine misdemeanor cases

Martinez is being held in Archuleta County

Cortez resident celebrates 100th birthday

Betty Donahoo turned 100 on Oct. 2