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Inflation, high prices? ‘Corporate greed’

Why does Durango and La Plata County have the highest gas prices in the state? I filled up in Farmington a week ago for $3.09 per gallon. We just traveled the state and paid $2.98 in Denver,...

‘Truest form of patriotism, a love that isn’t complacent’

Patriotism did not bring my grandfather to the Army recruiter’s office in 1956. Poverty did. A youth spent picking cotton and working odd jobs to help feed his family meant that he was a goo...

SCOTUS reveals ‘how partisan justices are’

We should all be livid now that the Supreme Court has shown how partisan its justices really are. They got their seats because elections matter. Republicans have cheated and manipulated thei...

Bird upside down ‘a nonevent’

The article on the bird hanging upside down in the alley of downtown Durango seems typical of the journalism present in most media coverage of a nonevent. Interesting but certainly not factu...

‘Supreme Court ‘officially’ crowned King Biden’

So it seems that the Supreme Court just “officially” crowned King Joseph Biden. Why doesn’t he have an “official” conversation with his military as commander-in-chief and “officially” direct...

‘Baby-boomer cohorts lazy about issues we cared so passionately about’

I will forever be grateful to our former public defender, a man I greatly admire, a man who helped change my life for the better. Back in the late 1980s, I taught a class at Durango High Sch...

Robert Kennedy Jr. ‘highly intelligent, well-spoken’

The Democratic National Committee is part of our government corruption problem. It is itself a threat to democracy. If the DNC valued the democratic process, it would have allowed us to choo...

‘Rooted in long-standing traditions of hunting, fishing, exploring wild places’

As a proud member of the Colorado chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and a proponent of the Sportsmen for the Dolores coalition, I am writing to voice my strong support for the designa...

‘Biden is old. He has wisdom’

As a 3rd Congressional District resident, I have donated to Adam Frisch several times. Two years ago, he said he would not support Nancy Pelosi. I voted for him and let go my qualms because ...

Editorial cartoon

‘No good choices in upcoming elections’

Once again, our cursed two-party system has given us no good choices in the upcoming elections. For the 3rd Congressional District, it will be Grand Junction lawyer Jeff Hurd for the Republ...

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