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Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

‘Delve into the travesty of Project 2025’

Familiarize yourself with Project 2025. So where does the Republican Party want to take us? We know that they want us to be led by a man who: 1) Will be, thanks to his Supreme Court, above t...

Editorial cartoon

‘Western Slope not immune’ to climate change

Record-setting rains accompanied by hail and strong winds that resulted in power outages recently in the Grand Valley could well be followed by more of the same in the not-so-distant future....

‘Professional cornhole? Really?’ With cheaters too

I have long thought that sport and art can be prophetic for society. With the introduction of mixed martial arts and Ultimate fighting in American sport, I was worried for the state of our s...

‘Professional cornhole? Really? With cheaters too

I have long thought that sport and art can be prophetic for society. With the introduction of mixed martial arts and Ultimate fighting in American sport, I was worried for the state of our s...

Editorial cartoon: Wes Rowell

‘Achieve promise our founders envisioned’

The League of Women Voters of Montezuma County recently hosted the screening of the documentary, “Undivide Us,” which “challenges the idea that citizens who disagree are not capable of civil...

‘Achieve promise our founders envisioned’

The League of Women Voters of Montezuma County recently hosted the screening of the documentary, “Undivide Us,” which “challenges the idea that citizens who disagree are not capable of civil...

‘Ballot not way to manage wildlife’

The previous Colorado Parks and Wildlife commissioners were very circumspect about the wolf issue. It is not surprising that the proposal to intentionally release wolves was formerly rebuffe...

Town halls for Dem ticket: ‘Think the Super Bowl with Taylor Swift in stands’

Mark my words: Joe Biden is going to be out of the 2024 presidential race. Whether he is ready to admit it or not. His pleas to congressional Democrats for support will not unite the party b...
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