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‘Where is an asteroid?’

Two old dinosaurs are running for president of the United States. Where is an asteroid when we really need one? James F. Andrus Cortez ...

‘What does our money say about us?’

Any nation’s money says something about that nation. For one, a nation’s currency is broadly linked with its economic policy. As an example, the Polish government redenominated its currency ...

‘Man-caused global warming theory a scam’

No, our part of the planet is not experiencing a climate change crisis. Climate change is a phenomenon that occurs over hundreds of thousands to millions of years. None of us will see any ch...

Guides offer tips from ‘trips that did not go well’

What fun: You’re going on a guided outdoor trip. As you get ready, here are some tips from actual guides about what to expect, as these patient men and women have experienced a few trips tha...

Editorial cartoon: Wes Rowell

‘Report news honestly or get out’

Although some reports of the growing crimes by illegal aliens against U.S. citizens are breaking through the leftist news blackout, for the most part the left hides injuries and deaths to U....

Our View: No good reason for ‘rigged election’ tale to linger

On Thursday in Denver at a panel discussion, “State of the Local Media: Colorado Journalism in an Important Election Year,” Colorado Public Radio News Executive Editor Kevin Dale said we sho...

‘Immigrants add immeasurably to richness of American culture’

As part of the League of Women Voters’ efforts to educate and inform voters on the many policy issues that are being discussed this election season, we’re shining a light on immigration. Sig...

‘Bad night, throw him under bus?’

I usually agree with most editorials, but not the one about abandoning our president. Joe Biden has done so much for this country, more than the last five presidents combined, especially for...

‘Duties of commander in chief in crisis’

My 40-year Department of Defense career was entirely in the trenches but with random Forrest Gump experiences. I had the tremendous honor and privilege to serve in times and circumstances th...

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