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‘No good choices in upcoming elections’

Once again, our cursed two-party system has given us no good choices in the upcoming elections. For the 3rd Congressional District, it will be Grand Junction lawyer Jeff Hurd for the Republ...

Editorial cartoon

On wolves: Ballot box ‘right framework for ethical issues’

Since the passage of Proposition 114, which mandated the restoration of gray wolves to Colorado, there has been a steady stream of condemnation of what critics, including some members of the...

‘Taught to think with our wallets, not our brains’

After the first presidential debate, the whole nation is panicked because one candidate can’t stop lying and the other can’t stop stuttering . . . because all we have left is a choice betwee...

Our View: SCOTUS ruling on homeless sleeping will worsen problem

You’ve likely heard the rallying cry, “Housing, not handcuffs, solves homelessness.” Sadly, these words did not influence the majority on the high court bench in its recent decision to allow...

Editorial cartoon

Our View: Happy Fourth of July

From Cortez to Mancos to Durango, and Silverton, Bayfield and Ignacio, we are all set to celebrate not just the founding of our nation, but the love of our country, with games, contests, goo...

Politics ‘a world of personal attacks, most outrageous lies imaginable’

Here we are at the end of June. Another “high point” in the never-ending election cycle that defines politics in this country. When I was young, elections were fairly limited in their time f...

‘Jenna made positive difference for many’

I was saddened to learn of the death of Fort Lewis College’s Director of Admissions Jenna Gilbert. Although I did not know Jenna, as a graduate of FLC, I do understand the value of a connect...

Ranked choice voting ‘can be exploited’

Ranked choice voting is a system where voters rank candidates in order of preference. If no candidate receives 50%–plus of first-choice votes, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminat...

‘Prefer representatives work for me’

I wonder if the tone of our political discourse could change with a single word – work. Personally, I would prefer that my representatives work for me, just like most of us work to achieve o...

Editorial cartoon: Wes Rowell

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