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30 Angel Armor vests to be donated to Cortez Police Department

SHIELD616’s Tour De Shield raised money for the vests back in May

Fraternal Order of Police backs sales tax for Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office

Sheriff’s Office struggles with budget cuts, inflation

Historic Cortez coloring book now available in town

The coloring book includes artwork from a plethora of local artists

Mayor Rachel Medina elected to Colorado Municipal League Executive Board

Medina received the most votes in the election’s medium city category

Empire Electric announces winners of board of directors election

Larry Archibeque is reelected; Bill Mollenkopf unseats Norman Butler, Jr. On Thursday at the Empire Electric annual meeting, the Empire Electric board of directors announced the winners of t...

Update: Ballot count totals 5,565 by the election’s end

County officials were expecting more people to vote in person on Tuesday after low mail-in ballot count on Monday

Southwest Health System announces hire of two doctors

Podiatrist, family doctor join Southwest Memorial Hospital

Leadership Montezuma prepares to host next quarterly Montezuma Leadership Network

The leadership network aims to help grow and build local leaders

Second round of applications for the 81321 Launch Grant due July 1

The grants are for creative projects in the city of Cortez

Dolores dog faces long recovery after severe abuse; suspect awaits trial

Dog suffers piercing head wounds, undergoes surgeries

Southwest Health System announces ‘Walk with a Doc’

The movement allows community members to get to know their doctor more personally

Photo: Making a new friend

Fifth annual BurroFest held Saturday in Mancos