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How did a warm fall and early winter impact the natural world?

Weather affects animal behavior, river levels, bird migrations, plant life

Animal scientist Temple Grandin shares insights on animal fear, overbreeding

Scientist: Dogs, horses experience core feelings

Mesa Verde migration to New Mexico gets new evidence

Genetic study of domestic turkeys shows a path south

Mia Stovall teaches herd dog clinics at Ag Expo

Mia Stovall teaches stock dog clinics and trials

Forest Service installing cave gates to save bats

Effort made to halt spread of white-nose syndrome

Agency pitches plan to boost deer populations

Improvements, fewer hunting licenses

Agency pitches plan to boost deer populations

Improvements, fewer hunting licenses

Fewer bears wandering in Durango

This was a good year for bears to forage in the wild, and that helped minimize conflicts between our furry neighbors and Durango residents, according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife. This is ...