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‘Glad to hear of improvements for disabled’

I was very glad to hear of the upcoming improvements in Durango for those of us who are disabled. We started coming to Durango in the Fall of 2002 as our daughter was attending Fort Lewis Co...

‘Crushing weight of U.S. debt piling up’

Dear Washington, D.C., It is time to re-prioritize spending. You already receive plenty of tax money from us. Use the money you already take in a more prudent fashion! That’s why we elected ...

‘Right thing,’ opposing rezoning for ILC

I want to thank Cortez City Council members for their strong well-reasoned arguments against rezoning and for voting 7-0 not to rezone the property at 1050 Lebanon Road to industrial. You ha...

‘More outrageous behavior, the better’

The congresswoman from Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District achieved exactly what she wanted to achieve over the last few weeks. People are talking about her and her name is in the paper. H...

‘Why modify TABOR again?’

Prop HH is on the ballot in November. The Taxpayers Bill of Rights was enacted in 1992 to prevent government from wasting taxpayer dollars. TABOR amounts the state can retain are indexed to ...

‘Get real,’ Bidenomics not working for ‘most’

After reading the Sept 17 letter to the editor about how “Bidenomics is working for the average American,” I can’t help but wonder what America the writer lives in. In 2016, the national ave...

‘Cortez, get with the flow!

National gas prices have dropped after Labor Day to an average of $3.80 per gallon, according to Fox News. Come on, Cortez, get with the flow! Steven Coy Cortez ...

‘Just got mugged by the state'

I just got mugged by the state of Colorado. I took my $59.96 down to the Montezuma County Department of Motor Vehicles to register my 45-year-old Ford pickup, which is used about four times ...

‘Still believe in free, fair elections’

In years past, I had the honor of volunteering as an election judge. I successfully completed a training class, then worked beside fellow volunteers who I considered my friends and neighbors...

Boebert’s ‘behavior unbecoming Congressional member’

Please, write your senators to start the process of evicting U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert from office for behavior unbecoming a Congressional member. Leslye Ann Wick Durango ...

Boebert’s ‘real story entitled superiority’

Everyone is missing the point about Rep. Lauren Bobert and her recent behavior with a date inside a theater. The real story here is not her die-hard partisanship, her hypocritical social val...

Is accurate word ‘ironic’ or ‘hypocrite?’

The online Oxford Dictionary defines ironic as happening in the opposite way to what is expected, and typically causing wry amusement because of this. I find it ironic/amusing that Lauren Bo...
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