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‘Still have card after 60 years’

Nov. 22, 1963, is a day that touched my heart and soul. I will never forget! I was 12 years old in history class, when we received word that our then President John F. Kennedy had been shot ...

‘Property taxes absurdly low. Come on!’

Colorado’s property taxes are absurdly low. How can it be said lower taxes are needed? Colorado does not fund education, which includes low teacher pay. In many states, it is the property ta...

No ‘peace until hostages released’

It is disheartening to see people who support Hamas. Hamas uses human shields, human atrocities and human hostages as a tool for destroying Jews. Hamas must be destroyed or will build bigger...

‘Ballot in one hand, AR-15 in other’

OK, now I get it. I don’t feel the love for Donald Trump and admittedly, never have. I’m amazed he’s not in a prison cell with the maggots who did his dirty work on Jan. 6. Trump is a liar a...

‘A smear ad campaign against Boebert’

Progressive dark money PAC is at it again. Rocky Mountain Values is running a smear ad campaign against Congresswoman Lauren Boebert. The ad accuses the congresswoman of voting against lower...

‘Ballot in one hand, AR-15 in other’

OK, now I get it. I don’t feel the love for Donald Trump and admittedly, never have. I’m amazed he’s not in a prison cell with the maggots who did his dirty work on Jan. 6. Trump is a liar a...

‘Entered point of no return’

Dark and ominous days ahead. We have now entered the point of no return. Our politicians, on both sides, have agreed to continue with more than $2 trillion dollars per year of deficit spendi...

‘Putting fox in charge of chicken coop’

Doesn’t it seem incredible that the more the breadth and depth of the former president’s mischief is exposed in the courts, the more wildly popular he gets in the polls? Not only that, but h...

‘Asking for little help never granted’

Unfortunate end results for missing Rich Moore of Pagosa Springs, but glad his body and his dog have finally been found and, amazingly, the dog is still alive. I was in Pagosa right after th...

‘Call out Boebert on genocide’

So far, there are few who have been willing to show up and support a movement united against racism, islamophobia, anti-semitism, transphobia, and above all, state-sanctioned violence and ge...

‘Some Americans have dysfunctional brains’

My friend George was murdered in 1973 running along the beach in San Francisco. I was running with him earlier or would not be alive to write this letter. Today we are all victims of gun vio...

‘Vicious cycle brought Netanyahu, Hamas’

Patriarchal dominance cements its control beginning with humiliation, proceeding to intimidation and threats, then moving into violence. This vicious cycle has brought us Benjamin Netanyahu ...
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