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‘Entered point of no return’

Dark and ominous days ahead. We have now entered the point of no return. Our politicians, on both sides, have agreed to continue with more than $2 trillion dollars per year of deficit spendi...

‘Putting fox in charge of chicken coop’

Doesn’t it seem incredible that the more the breadth and depth of the former president’s mischief is exposed in the courts, the more wildly popular he gets in the polls? Not only that, but h...

‘Asking for little help never granted’

Unfortunate end results for missing Rich Moore of Pagosa Springs, but glad his body and his dog have finally been found and, amazingly, the dog is still alive. I was in Pagosa right after th...

‘Call out Boebert on genocide’

So far, there are few who have been willing to show up and support a movement united against racism, islamophobia, anti-semitism, transphobia, and above all, state-sanctioned violence and ge...

‘Some Americans have dysfunctional brains’

My friend George was murdered in 1973 running along the beach in San Francisco. I was running with him earlier or would not be alive to write this letter. Today we are all victims of gun vio...

‘Vicious cycle brought Netanyahu, Hamas’

Patriarchal dominance cements its control beginning with humiliation, proceeding to intimidation and threats, then moving into violence. This vicious cycle has brought us Benjamin Netanyahu ...

‘Boebert using grandchild as a prop’

When Rep. Lauren Boebert isn’t using a pistol side arm as a prop, she uses her 6-month-old grandchild, Josiah, as a prop. The family values representative is nothing short of being morally ...

‘Vote ‘yes’ to fund the BID’

We should be wary any time a proposal for implementing, increasing or extending a tax comes across our ballots. This year, businesses, residents and property owners in the Central Business D...

‘Prop. HH a bait-and-switch’

Did you know that the Colorado government does not need the voters’ permission to lower taxes; only raise them? This raises the question, “Why do we need Proposition HH?” The answer? Because...

‘Natural gas bill to go up 14%’: Why?

I would assume that The Durango Herald knows we do not get our energy from Excel and have to wonder why it ran the article “Energy bills should be lower this year.” After all, this article r...

‘Luxury of dreaming about a puppy’

Injustice breeds resentment, and resentment has exploded in Israel in the most horrific manner. The cruelty of the Hamas attack is almost beyond comprehension. Israel’s response will become ...

Odds of disease almost like ‘flipping coin’

According to the American Cancer Society, the risk of developing cancer at some point is about 40% for men and women. In addition, the National Institutes of Health says “approximately 45% s...
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