Stephanie Alderton
Position: Staff reporter

Mancos pop-up gallery introduces Back Roads Collective

Group aims to put contemporary spin on rural art

Montelores Early Childhood Council hosts Christmas giveaway

Toys, books available during annual family night

Last Cortez council meeting of the year planned for Tuesday

Public hearing is set for tonight

Colorado Secretary of State Williams visits Montezuma County

Williams discusses future election challenges

Mancos holiday art shows begin tonight

Galleries, market to host 100-plus artists

Cortez volunteers prepare for annual Christmas dinner

Free meal to be served at Montezuma County annex

Cortez food pantry and farm co-op plan move

Planning and zoning board approves permit

City plans for vote on Cortez Rec Center sales tax

2018 ballot question would extend sales tax, but reduce rate

Four town trustee seats up for election in Mancos

Nomination deadlines are in January

New Olio show in Mancos displays evolution of an artist

Dale Latta paintings on display through February

Couple undertakes restoration of historic Mancos Opera House

Long-term restoration project will start with code updates

Nonprofit hopes to plant community garden in Cortez

City supports Needful Provision’s grant application