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Danielle Prokop
Position: Source NM

Disclosure rules unclear for commissioners set to decide on O&G wastewater rules

State ethics and elections officials were unsure if they enforced portions of the disclosure requirements

Environment bills and priorities passed during the 30-day legislative session

A return of some environmental tax credits vetoed last year; $300M in new conservation legacy fund and clean fuels went rounds at the Roundhouse

Most New Mexico county jails are understaffed; some are overfull

Fewer corrections officers mean counties are competing with each other (and state and private prisons too) for the same pool of people

Virgin Galactic lays off 185 employees will pause Spaceport flights

Company officials said a new, bigger, spaceplane will be more lucrative

N.M. to write feds on cooperation over White Sands cleanup and reparations

State Office of Natural Resources Trustee called groundwater ‘permanently injured’ from contamination

Ain’t no sunshine when data’s gone

The state is legally required to report millions of dollars in settlements immediately. That’s not happening, and we’re trying to find out why.

FEMA to drop biweekly progress updates

First announcement shows Hermits Peak/Calf Canyon Claims Office has paid $40M so far

N.M. looks to delay upcoming SNAP changes

New Mexico is not required to push back age limits for work requirements until the end of December

Fires are here to stay, but a small nonprofit can’t clean the air alone

Living alongside fire means recognizing the importance of protecting our health and indoor air

Lawmakers request feds and state officials find third party in chromium plume fight

Contamination potentially threatens groundwater beneath San Ildefonso

Nuclear waste storage permit slated for September public meeting

Agency officials settled with contractors for the facility on proposed final permit

Spaceport paid out $130K in settlement with former employee

Employee agreed to drop the 2020 lawsuit alleging discrimination