
Mancos approves marijuana shop, gravel at RV park

Board OKs business license for third marijuana dispensary
After hearing concerns about air quality and economic impact, the Mancos Town Board on Wednesday approved the town’s third marijuana shop.

The Mancos Board of Trustees on Wednesday approved gravel pads for an RV park and the town’s third marijuana shop.

Developer Dugan McDonald proposed changes and an extension for the construction of an RV park that included enlarging RV pads and changing the material to gravel from concrete. Trustees also discussed the value of a cosmetic fence versus a wildlife fence at the park.

“It doesn’t have to be a wildlife-stopping fence – all it has to be is something to show someone that there is a delineation,” McDonald said. “There are many ways to get there and still allow wildlife to cross and accomplish what we need landwise.”

In regards to gravel versus concrete pads, Mayor Queenie Barz said she had visited RV parks nearby and noted that all had gravel pads.

The main concern for some members of the board was changing the plan after the public hearing had already occurred.

“Now we are talking about changing it from 10-foot paved to 20-foot-wide gravel. That could be a huge visual difference,” said Trustee Cindy Simpson. “I don’t think it is fair to the public who came to the public hearing. They are thinking that a certain thing got approved, and now we are changing it.”

After more discussion, the board voted 3-2 to authorize the town administrator to “execute the Riverwood RV Park Agreement extension to June 30, 2018, particularly in regard to RV pads to include south- and west-side fencing and including screening and north- and east-side screening and to extend the letter of credit through June 30, 2018, with an additional amendment motion to include changing RV pads to 20-foot-wide gravel pads.”

The board also approved a business license for Mancos’ third recreational marijuana shop.

One Mancos resident expressed support for the business. Another expressed concern that the small town was getting a third dispensaries.

Treasurer Lorraine Becker was concerned economic impact, the federal government and air quality.

“They have not been approved by the federal government, and the president has stated he is opposed to it,” Becker said. “My concern is that we are going to be a one-industry town.”

The business owners and their attorney responded to Becker’s concerns, saying they planned to hire locals and install air purifiers.

Blend LLC Retail Marijuana was issued a business license with a vote of 4-1. Trustee Michele Black was absent.

The board approved the following action items:

Resolution 18 Series 2017: 2017 Budget Amendment“A resolution for supplemental budget and appropriating additional sums of money to defray expenses in excess of amounts budgeted for the year 2017 for the Town of Mancos, Colorado (Pursuant to Section 29-1-109, C.R.S)”

Boyle Park portable potty rental“The first month would cost $240 that includes a onetime delivery fee and pickup fee. After that, it would be $170 per month. The unit will be wheelchair-accessible and cleaned once per week.”

Resolution 1 Series 2018: Board of Trustee Meeting Schedule“A resolution designating a public place for the posting of notices of public meetings in the town of Mancos and approving a schedule of regular Board of Trustees Meetings for 2018.”

Resolution 2 Series 2018: Water/Sewer Tap Fees“A resolution of the Town of Mancos, Colorado adopting new residential water and sewer tap fees. During December of each year, the Town sets the Water and Sewer tap for the following year. Per discussion at the December 13, 2017 Board of Trustees meeting, the rates for 2018 remaining the same at $5,390 each.”

Resolution 3 Series 2018: Water/Sewer Rate Increase“During December of each year, the Town sets the Water and Sewer rates for the following year. Per discussion at the December 13, 2017 Board of Trustees meeting, the rates for 2018 remain unchanged. Staff will research the possibility of a utility fee and structure change and bring this information to a Board meeting in 2018.”

Resolution 4 Series 2018: Dedicated Land/Fee In Lieu“The fee reflects the estimated current fair market value for unimproved “raw” land adjacent to town. The fair market value and cash in lieu amount is set by resolution by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The current fee, which was just adjusted in February of 2016 is set at $10,000 per acre. This was reduced from prior years. At its regular meeting on December 20, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended keeping the fee amount the same in 2018.”

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