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Thank you, poets

We appreciate all that readers shared on their minds in April for National Poetry Month, which honors and celebrates poets and their craft. Our 250-word count – the same for letters – can be...

What about amendment ‘Trump subverted?’

This entire snotty screed is just a lump of dough – uninformed and meaningless. In a letter on April 14, with the headline “Editors at the Herald are myopic,” the writer said, “smart citizen...

Editorial cartoon

With e-bike incentives, Colorado has to rethink safety, helmet laws

While e-bikes are convenient and eco-friendly, the potential risks of traumatic brain injuries with the increased speed cannot be ignored. Earlier this month, Colorado began offering a new r...

‘Democrats going to vote Republican in 2024’

Vast numbers of middle of the road Democrats have had enough and are going to vote Republican in the 2024 election. The new Republican Party is America’s party. A party based on common sense...

‘Lament higher prices yet perpetuate inflation through tipping’

Tipping is a curious practice. It is optional – yet done – in spite of its undesired inflationary effect. During the pandemic, the central bank lowered interest rates, a move traditionally u...

‘Denied press credentials for fake news stories’

In response to the “fake news” Opinion piece written on April 12, with the headline, “Sun reporter booted from state GOP assembly for doing the right thing.” One crucial detail that the main...

Editorial cartoon

Dementia: ‘Some thoughts on discrimination from caregivers’

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” – James Baldwin When we are met with a dementia diagnosis, one that robs an individual of hi...

Editorial cartoon

‘Health care without conscience, business sense, moral direction’

I could not be more disgusted with both CommonSpirit and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. With annual rate increases on my insurance, I’m now paying just under $20,000 per year for health insu...

‘Glad to see a Judith Reynolds cartoon’

Whether international or local, I am a big fan of political cartoons. So I was very glad to see a Judith Reynolds cartoon back in the paper on Friday, replete with “black cat humor.” Keep ’e...
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