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My View: Notes from Rocky’s newsroom during Columbine

I worked at the former Rocky Mountain News in Denver when on April 20, 1999, at 11:23 a.m., a dispatcher on our scratchy police scanner said: “Shots in the building. Female down.” This would...

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

‘Parents, brothers read, shared, often argued over daily newspapers’

An ode to Mary Hopkin: “Those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end. . .” Recent Durango Heralds contained a number of items I saved for my adult daughter, who lives near...

What sentencing would look like if Trump found guilty

For all the attention to the unfolding trial of Donald Trump in Manhattan, there has been surprisingly little of it paid to a key element: its possible outcome and, specifically, the prospec...

‘Chasin’ fur’ in Wyoming: ‘Eliminate predator zone, strengthen cruelty laws’

It’s legal in Wyoming to chase coyotes and run over them with snowmobiles, but recently, a man used his snowmobile to run down a wolf until it was disabled. Then he taped the wolf’s mouth sh...

Summer Symphony

She silently rises in the night sky, Glowing as she arcs upward to Await the summer symphony. A deep quiet stirs and The ancient mossy Oak sighs, Hush Hush Hush It’s about to begin. The bree...

Editorial cartoon

Our View: 420 events mark evolution of marijuana movement

Before Colorado’s legalization of recreational marijuana on Jan. 1, 2014, cannabis enthusiasts’ annual, iconic holiday on April 20, to ritualistically gather in public and smoke marijuana at...

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

‘Disappointed’ Adventure Inn deal for bridge housing fell through

I was disappointed that the proposed purchase of the Adventure Inn in Durango had fallen through, as reported in The Durango Herald on March 30. Bridge housing, as the name implies, is a cri...
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