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‘Ballot box only route to wolf reintroduction’

In a recent news story in The Durango Herald, Sen. Dylan Roberts, co-sponsor of wolverine reintroduction Senate Bill 171, said the bill “is completely opposite from the wolf reintroduction p...

‘Why not spend money on creating parking?’

I have lived in the county, and worked and shopped in Durango for 26 years. The town has talked about the parking problem that entire time. Yet, nothing has been done about creating more par...

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

Our View: Time for permanent Southern Ute flags at Ignacio schools

As flags represent identities, values, cultural heritage and aspirations, it makes good sense that Southern Ute Indian Tribe students attending Ignacio schools see their tribal flag flying a...

‘Wildlife not private property of lion, bobcat trophy hunters’

Andrew Carpenter (“Hunting, a valuable tool in managing lions” on May 14) believes Coloradans aren’t smart enough to have an opinion about recreational killing of mountain lions or bobcats i...

Our view: Legislative wrap-up

Lawmakers take action on cellphone use, education funding and Indian boarding schools

‘When we take the “I” out of legislating, using “we” instead, we proved we can get a lot done’

We. We accomplished a lot this year – our bipartisan success happened because we communicated, compromised and collectively decided how to best address our problems. Affordable and attainabl...

Cicero on politics: ‘Soon now cycle will begin to turn’

America is poised in 2024 to stain the history of the democratic republic our ancestors made considerable sacrifices to create. Both of our august political parties are promoting the candida...

Editorial cartoon

Give us more ‘Mortie the cat’ cartoons

In a time when most of us have instant access to digital news, it’s easy to keep up to date on national and international events, including some trenchant political cartoons. At the same tim...
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