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Editorial cartoon

Our View: Unsure whether student demonstrations will be historical markers in Gaza War

There’s an old joke that makes room for college students to try on and explore who they are. Oftentimes, that means participating in political protests on campuses. The joke goes like this: ...

‘Leaning into misguided, excessive even-handedness’

I read the editorial on Secretary of State Jena Griswold on April 24, and was disappointed in your leaning into the misguided and excessive even-handedness tendency. It’s a media pitfall: th...

Dolores River Canyon Country: ‘Preserve little remaining wilderness for biodiversity’

Colorado Public Lands Day is coming up on May 18, and it’s important to consider how we balance multiple uses on our public lands. I envision a future where Colorado’s public lands have bett...

‘Will be in each others’ lives forever’

I was pleased to read the news story acknowledging the success of Big Brother Big Sisters of Southwest Colorado in our community for 40 years. I grew up in Cincinnati in the 1960s with a sin...

‘Overconsumption in Durango, sustainability’

My friend and I are in sixth grade at Mountain Middle School. We would like to reach out about overconsumption in Durango and also help the sustainability of our town. As you see, we would l...


Cherry, peach, apple, pear, and plum, all blossoms do they come, only to snow upon the ground, falling without a sound. The beauty of spring comes on slow sometimes too quick to go. Blossom’...

‘Article serves as example of taking responsibility’

On April 14, a letter to the editor made a request that The Durango Herald Opinion editor “get out in the community and provide insight on local issues” instead of printing what appears to b...

Rapid Rabid

We are becoming a rabid world Rabid, raging, lunatic, politicians Rapid raging fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and floods Rabid riots and racism Rabid viruses Rabies affecting the ...

Editorial cartoon

‘Saddened The Hive losing its lease’

I was deeply saddened to read The Durango Herald’s news story about The Hive losing its lease downtown. Upon searching the company listed as the owner of the building, two results came up: o...

Going To Surgery

They rolled the gurney down the hall each thinking their own thoughts, immersed in their private fictions. I lay quietly watching the florescent ceiling wheel above believing all the while t...
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