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Longstanding board member bids adieu

Proud of accomplishments, with hope for future

Ordinances on parking, RVs killed

Town Board unanimous in killing proposals

Growth at what cost?

Family Dollar's plan to open Mancos store faces headwind

Four trustee seats open

The Mancos Board of Trustees will have four seats up for election in April. Mayor Pro Tem Perry Lewis will be unable to run again because of term limits. Three other trustees in...

Family Dollar finds opposition in Mancos

Representatives for Family Dollar on Wednesday announced to a full house that the corporation was looking at opening a store in Mancos. The town’s moratorium on big box stores exp...

A league of women

Males lose majority on Ute Mountain Ute Council; women pledge progress

Family Dollar's plan to open Mancos store meets opposition

Representatives for Family Dollar on Wednesday announced to a full house that the corporation was looking at opening a store in Mancos. The town's moratorium on big box stores exp...

Majority of women

Males lose majority on Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Council

Trustees turn down manager applicants

Position will be advertised for three weeks

Mancos pauses pot deals

Mancos leaders voted unanimously Wednesday to extend the town’s moratorium on retail marijuana sales through June 30. Following a half-hour discussion, the six-month extension all...

Rolston tapped as trustee

Alan Rolston stepped into the public spotlight last week as the newest trustee for the Town of Mancos. After a half-hour public interview process before sitting trustees, Rolston ...

Reaching across the legislative aisle growing harder

Ellen Roberts sees geographic divide widening as partisan gulf also deepens