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Living life as a pilgrimage

“To journey without being changed is to be a nomad. To change without journeying is to be a chameleon. To journey and to be transformed by the journey is to be a pilgrim.” This ...

Tune in to God by tuning out the world

What and to whom are you listening to these days? I know people who listen to sports radio whenever they are in the car; who have political pundits playing in the background whil...

Come see with new eyes on Jan. 13, 20

Larry Grimes will share lessons from “The Gift of Years,” along with wine and cheese, on Jan. 13 and 20 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Barnabas Church, 110 W. North St., in Cortez. The se...

Nativity Scene beautifully portrayed

Religion news in brief

National Cathedral to charge fee WASHINGTON – Struggling to cover its costs, officials at Washington National Cathedral say they’ve decided to begin charging admission fees for t...

Advent retreat at St. Margaret Mary

St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church invites the public to the free Parish Advent Mission/Retreat titled “Advent Waiting.” The sessions will begin Monday, Dec. 2, at 6 p.m. in the pa...

Words can confine, or they can open new vistas

Words can be vehicles that lead to faith for some. For others, they can get in the way of faith ... the creed especially, I suspect. Not all Christian churches recite a creed during worship,...

Go offline to plug into the mysteries of life

Most often I write humorous articles because maintaining a sense of humor throughout life creates the critical difference between living a fuller, hopeful life or an empty one. Today, I writ...

Barth’s message comes to: Christ’s love is with us

Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, there was a lot of things that were just swell. One was my oldest brother’s comic book collection. He had nearly all the early Marvel comics. I read and re-rea...

Decisions affect destiny

Choice decides destiny. What you and I choose to do or choose not to do decides our life’s path. Regardless of illnesses, finances, or circumstances, what we choose decides how we live and w...

Foursquare celebrates 10th anniversary

Strive to make small improvements every day

I just finished a really excellent book A Flame of Pure Fire: Jack Dempsey and the Roaring ’20s by famed sportswriter Roger Kahn. In this book on former heavyweight boxing champio...