
Medicare or Medicare Advantage?

Dear Editor, In addition to football season and election season, it soon will be open season for Medicare, and we’ll be bombarded with ads (like this one) for Medicare Advantage from privat...

Panel to be held about Medicare, Medicare Advantage

In addition to football season and election season, it soon will be open season for Medicare and we’ll be bombarded with ads for Medicare Advantage from private insurance companies. If you ...

3rd Congressional District ‘needs a representative like’ Adam Frisch

While there is excitement about the candidacy of Kamala Harris, Democrats and independent voters in Southwest Colorado need to remember the must-win 3rd Congressional race. Adam Frisch is ru...

‘We don’t have to take away the best family beach around’

My grandson and I have passed many a wonderful lazy afternoon at the Narraguinnep Beach. In a busy world of rules, laws and expectations, that beach was a refuge of solitude, beauty and simp...

Durango’s land acknowledgment requires facing ‘problem and its root causes’

The person disparaging Durango’s land acknowledgment because it “focuses on the distant past and the despair and hurt that have occurred” comically misses the entire point of such acknowledg...

City Council ignoring constituents on Durango’s Central Business District

As part of a $400,000 effort to “test” the viability of the city’s plan to redo Historic Downtown Durango into an outdoor dining mall, the city has installed fake sidewalks, taking up 15 par...

Crosswalk near Mountain Middle School ‘a serious hazard’

I am writing to express my deep concern about a serious hazard in our town of Durango. The pedestrian crosswalk on the 2900 block of north Main Avenue within two blocks of Mountain Middle S...

Vivian Smotherman ‘understands and advocates’ for our needs

As a young and concerned voter in this district, I’m writing to express my strong support for Vivian Smotherman running for Senate District 6 in the upcoming election. We deserve to have a r...

Reelect ‘experienced and effective’ LPEA board member Tim Wheeler

While we are all acutely aware of the national election this November, there is also an important and more immediate local election worthy of our attention. I strongly encourage you to reele...

‘I support and endorse’ John Purser for LPEA District 4

I support and endorse John Purser for the LPEA Board of Directors’ fourth district in northeast La Plata County. John is an outdoor enthusiast who has lived in and enjoyed the Durango area ...

‘Can hide behind my whiteness’

When growing up in the East, my family moved to a town where we were the only Jewish family. My mother had us wear the Star of David. When we left the house for school, someone would rip it ...

‘Proposed change to downtown is madness’

I can only agree that the proposed change to downtown Durango is madness. The whole bump-out concept was a necessary evil, to keep restaurants open through the pandemic. To keep throwing out...
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