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Faith leaders decry voting restrictions

Florida, Michigan, Missouri and Ohio consider initiatives

Holy days, optimism arrive for faithful as pandemic eases

Passover, Easter, Ramadan see brighter days

Faith leaders get COVID-19 shot to curb vaccine reluctance

WASHINGTON – More than two dozen clergy members from the capital region rolled up their sleeves inside the Washington National Cathedral and got vaccinated against the coronavirus earlier th...

LGBTQ Catholics stung by Vatican rebuff of same-sex unions

The Vatican’s declaration that same-sex unions are a sin the Roman Catholic Church cannot bless was no surprise for LGBTQ Catholics in the United States – yet it stung deeply nonetheless. ...

LGBTQ rights bill ignites debate over religious liberty

A sweeping bill that would extend federal civil rights protections to LGBTQ people is a top priority of President Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress. Yet as the Equality Act heads to the Se...

United Methodist conservatives plan for a breakaway

Church could split over differences about LGBTQ issues

Catholic schools hit by unprecedented enrollment drop

But some cities in West see rise in students numbers

Christian imagery on display during riot sparks new debate

WASHINGTON – The Christian imagery and rhetoric on view during the Capitol insurrection Jan. 6 are sparking renewed debate about the societal effects of melding Christian faith with an exclu...

Biden goes to St. Matthew’s before inauguration

WASHINGTON – Joe Biden’s first stop Wednesday morning before becoming president was a Mass at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, one of the most prominent Catholic churches in Washing...

President in the pews: D.C. churches offer Biden options

If President Joe Biden becomes a regular churchgoer in Washington, he will have plenty of choices. Four Catholic churches sit within 2 miles of the White House. As vice president,...

Ready to try an old approach to a New Year’s resolution? The story of Saint Ignatius may provide some guidance

Making and breaking New Year’s resolutions is a familiar and discouraging annual ritual for many people. Almost inevitably, in a few short weeks, many find they are unable to meet...

Exorcism: Increasingly frequent, including after U.S. protests

In popular culture, exorcism often serves as a plot device in chilling films about demonic possession. This month, two Roman Catholic archbishops showed a different face of exorcism – perfor...
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