Saturday pancake breakfast with Santa to be hosted by Kiwanis Club of Mesa Verde

The event with Santa will include a pancake breakfast and craft area. (Tiffany Small/Courtesy photo)
The annual event is free and open to the public, young and old

Santa is coming to town.

On Saturday, residents young and old are invited to visit Santa Claus and eat a delicious pancake breakfast at the Elk’s Lodge, 2100 N. Dolores Road.

The pancake breakfast, which is hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Mesa Verde, is 8-10 a.m. Sausage and drinks will be served.

While breakfast is taking place, attendees can take photos with Santa.

“Anybody is welcome. There’s no age limit,” Tiffany Small, chairwoman of Kiwanis Breakfast With Santa, told The Journal.

This year, a craft corner will also be offered for children to make an ornament.

The breakfast is a way to thank the community for the support they give Kiwanis throughout the year.

Last year was more of a “slow year” with 150 people in attendance, according to Small, but they anticipate at least 300 people this year.

The Kiwanis Club, which has around 20 members, will serve the breakfast with the help of the Girl Scout Club in Dolores.

“They’re going to help us clean up tables, and we, in return, give them a donation,” Small said.

The Kiwanis Club of Mesa Verde is an organization that raises money to benefit youths in Montezuma and Dolores counties through funding and scholarships.

“That’s something a lot of people don’t actually know,” Small said. “The scholarships are a big thing. We do the breakfast with Santa as our free event, but we also do a huge charity night in May that allows us to raise a lot of the funds that we need for the year, and then we donate that back to all the kids.”