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Mark Esper

Silverton tow truck driver recounts plunge off mountain pass

‘I knew I was going over the edge, so I steered into it’

Is a ghost haunting the Grand Imperial in Silverton?

Renovation sparks rise in paranormal activity <br/>at Silverton hotel

$14 million spent on spill, EPA says

Internal document puts costs at $100,000 a day

Pilots of crashed plane encountered bad weather

The plane that crashed Sept. 5 in western San Juan County encountered "instrument flying conditions" over western Colorado, but neither of the two pilots aboard were qualified to fly in such...

Pilots of crashed plane encountered bad weather

The plane that crashed Sept. 5 in western San Juan County encountered "instrument flying conditions" over western Colorado, but neither of the two pilots aboard were qualified to fly in such...

Pilots of crashed plane encountered bad weather

The plane that crashed Sept. 5 in western San Juan County encountered “instrument flying conditions” over western Colorado, but neither of the two pilots aboard were qualified to fly in such...