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Blinken returns to Mideast as Israel-Hamas cease-fire proposal hangs in balance after hostage rescue

CAIRO (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken returned to the Middle East on Monday as a proposed Israel-Hamas cease-fire deal hangs in the balance after the dramatic rescue of four Is...

Blinken's Kyiv song choice raises eyebrows as Ukraine fights fierce Russian attacks

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Fresh from a day of delivering optimistic prognoses about how Ukraine would fare in the war with Russia despite gloomy news from the front lines, U.S. Secretary of State...

Blinken in Kyiv tries to rally sagging Ukrainian spirits as Russia makes new military gains

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken sought Tuesday to rally the spirits of glum Ukrainians facing a fierce new Russian offensive, assuring them during a visit to Kyiv...