Peter Marcus
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: (720), 891-8280

State putting $100M in bicycling

DENVER – The state will pump $100 million over the next four years into bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in an effort to make Colorado the best state to ride a bike. “Our goa...

Brown faces new bid

Barbara McLachlan seeks his House seat

Legislature restarts rain-barrel discussion

Proposal allows for rainwater collection, but with caveats

Officials: Animas trout OK to eat

Samples likely show no effect from spill

Lawmakers back Planned Parenthood probe

But abortion provider says state's elected Republicans playing politics

New rules may open door to Denver TV

New rules address county's orphan status

Officials: Animas fish safe to eat

DENVER – Trout from the Animas River are safe to eat after water contamination from the Gold King Mine spill, according to an announcement Wednesday by state health officials. Sam...

Southwest Colorado lags in health coverage

Slower to close uninsured gap than other parts of state

A door to Denver TV opens

New rules address county orphan status

Lawmakers back Planned Parenthood probe

But abortion provider says state’s elected Republicans playing politics

Rule-making for marijuana a complicated task

Regulators draw ire from both sides of debate

Mining reclamation may be a pipe dream

Financial, technological hurdles slow progress