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Joe Hanel
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: (303), 839-1765

Money is scarce on both sides of pot tax campaign

Few seem willing to write checks to fund marijuana tax campaigns

Tax campaign keeps low profile

Proponents of school tax increase beat the bushes, not the airwaves

Fee for fire-prone forest homes?

It's one of governor's task force's recommendations

Insurance exchange launches today in Colo.

It will take months to see if system works

Colo. lawmakers take aim at ski water plan Forest Service wants to tie permitting with water rights

DENVER – A U.S. Forest Service bid to control water rights at ski areas remains a sore point with Colorado lawmakers in both Denver and Washington. A senior official from the Fore...

Wildfire panel looks at emergency radio system

Firefighters sometimes need 2 or 3 communicators

Eagle-Net plans mixed for Four Corners Durango to Silverton broadband line OK’d; Bayfield to Pagosa isn’t

DENVER – Construction of a broadband network between Durango and Silverton will happen next year, executives of a group that has a federal grant to build the line told legislators Wednesday....

Economists forecast slow improvement in state

National politics creates uncertainty, harms growth

Roberts: Radio system an issue Firefighters sometimes need 2 or 3 communicators

DENVER - Although it's water, not fire, that's plaguing Colorado at the moment, state legislators are determined to come up with better ways to address the growing threat of wildfires. ...

Economists forecast slow improvement in Colorado

National politics creates uncertainy, harms growth

State to help pay for flood recovery

Usually counties and cities foot costs not covered by the feds

Colorado will pay for Front Range floods

CENTENNIAL – Monetary damage estimates from massive floods on the Front Range will not be available for at least two weeks, Gov. John Hickenlooper said Monday, Sept. 16. Even as s...