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Joe Hanel
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: (303), 839-1765

Udall: Water conservation makes business sense

Senator says it’s unlikely any big projects will be built

Judge: School tax issue stays on ballot

DENVER – A tax increase for the state’s schools can stay on the November ballot, a judge ruled Tuesday, Oct. 15. Denver District Judge R. Michael Mullins denied a challenge to Ame...

Why is Mesa Verde still closed?

Legislators to petition for state's other parks

Mesa Verde remains shuttered

No plans in Denver to help Southwest Colorado's premier tourist draw

A huge change in school funding

Amendment 66 would rewrite state’s current formula

Craft brew’s allure grows

Denver festival reflects state’s thriving industry

Group wants sales-tax increase for highways

DENVER – A group of civic leaders that wants a 2014 sales-tax increase for highways and transit presented the idea to the Legislature on Tuesday, Oct. 8. The meeting made clear th...

Tipton: There must be concessions

Seeks delay of individual mandate

Senate Democrats elect Carroll as new president

DENVER – A diminished caucus of Senate Democrats elected Aurora Sen. Morgan Carroll as the chamber’s new president Wednesday, Oct. 9. The promotion was necessary after former Sena...

A fee for wildfire-prone forest homes?

It’s one of governor’s task force’s recommendations

Money is scarce on both sides of pot tax campaign

Few seem willing to write checks to fund marijuana tax campaigns

Tax campaign keeps low profile

Proponents of school tax increase beat the bushes, not the airwaves