Jesse Paul
Position: The Colorado Sun

Colorado shoppers will be charged 10 cents per plastic and paper bag starting Jan. 1

People in federal or state food assistance programs don’t pay fees as long as they can prove enrollment in one of those programs

Lauren Boebert’s narrow victory confirmed by mandatory recount

Democrat Adam Frisch conceded on Nov. 18 after it became clear he couldn’t win

Morgan Carroll to step aside as Colorado Democratic Party chairwoman

Her party has secured more sustained power in the state than ever before

Bid to make Colorado among first for Democratic presidential primary appears to fall short

Plan calls for South Carolina to go first in 2024, followed by Nevada and New Hampshire

Steve Wells spent only 30% of the $11 million set aside to beat Polis, Colorado Democrats

GOP donor says he intended to spend the full amount but refunded the majority after others declined to join him

Colorado Dems eye ban on so-called assault weapons and expansion of red flag law

The Club Q shooting has added pressure on Democrats at the Colorado Capitol, who were already likely to pursue stricter gun laws in 2023

Election officials formally order recount in Boebert-Frisch race

3rd Congressional District congresswoman leads by 550 votes; new tally not expected to change outcome

GOP candidates for statewide offices outperform Boebert in 3rd District

Research shows the Republican’s gubernatorial candidate was the only one who fared worse

Jared Polis reflects on mass shooting at Club Q

Governor knows owners, and had even previously attended an event at the establishment

Lauren Boebert narrowly wins reelection after Adam Frisch concedes

Congresswoman’s slim margin of victory over Democratic challenger shocked Colorado political world

With U.S. House control hinging on Boebert race, GOP and Dems deploy to Colorado

It’s unlikely the outcome will be known until Thursday at the earliest

Democratic state lawmaker charged for allegedly lying about her residence

Boulder County prosecutors accuse Colorado Rep. Tracey Bernett of felony and misdemeanor charges