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Your vote is the very best way to protest

The biggest threat to democracy is indifference and cynicism. We have the power to change things: by showing up and voting.

Last midterm election, fewer than one in five young people voted. Is it any wonder this Congress doesn’t reflect your values and priorities?

This project of self-government only works if everybody’s doing their part. If you thought elections don’t matter, I hope these last two years have corrected this impression. There is only one real check on bad policy and abuses of power: your vote.

People are tired of toxic corruption and democracy depends on transparency and accountability. You should be concerned with our current course and want to see a restoration of honesty and decency in our government.

There are some amazing people running for office this November. They have decided there is a way out of this political darkness. You and your vote are also the antidote to this political darkness.

The best way to protest is to vote. Thirty minutes of your time. Is Democracy worth it?

When you vote, change and hope happens. Not perfection. There will still be problems, but with small victories, hope happens.

State elections are of utmost importance. There are decisions being made at the federal level that will have a negative and sweeping effect on states. Therefore, it is important to elect people to state government who will stand up for our liberties and rights as a people.

Vote. Your Democracy is at stake.

Patty Coen
