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We need Diane Mitsch Bush in Congress

I enthusiastically endorse Diane Mitsch Bush for U.S. Congress for two reasons: because she will beat Rep. Scott Tipton, and when she does, she will be an excellent congresswoman.

I have had the privilege of knowing Diane ever since she was a Routt County commissioner when I was growing up in Steamboat. As I was getting started in local politics, Routt County was not a Democratic stronghold, but Diane consistently won tough elections through hard work and her ability to connect directly with voters across the political spectrum.

As an interested constituent of hers, I watched Diane in her role as state representative consistently be the most prepared, thoughtful and passionate advocate for her district. She always prioritized the needs of her constituents above all else.

Her record of winning elections and dedication to making people’s lives better is exactly the type of person we need in Congress. I hope you will vote for Diane!

Dylan Roberts
