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‘Warmth, love, joy leap off page’

If you've ever wondered why teachers and school administrators endure long hours, low salaries, masking and Zoom challenges, and the ire of unhappy parents, look no further than Jerry McBride's spectacular front-page photo of Riverside Elementary Principal Lindsay Neiman, wholeheartedly hugging one of her students upon his return to school. The warmth, love and genuine joy that leap off the page from that memorable image tell the story better than any journalist could in words alone.

The story and its remarkable photos were a welcome respite from the often grim news of the day. They took me back to my own memories of the bittersweet end of barefoot summers. It was always a thrill to see old friends again and reconnect with those favorite teachers that cared enough to make an enduring difference in my life. We owe a debt of gratitude, better salaries, and a good deal of grace and latitude to the selfless educators who show up, day after day, to make this corner of Colorado a better place.

Chris Calwell
