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Think of Jesus’ truth regarding politicians

First, I need to qualify who I am.

For now, I am still a Republican. I will always be a follower of Jesus Christ.

I am not a spoiled brat and have worked hard for all I have. I work hard to serve my community, church and family with love and integrity.

I don’t eat Tide Pods. I don’t smoke marijuana.

I do want to thank David Ohman for his factual review of the life of Donald Trump (“Gardner: No excuse for backing Trump,” letters, Jan. 9).

Jesus said, “Out of the mouth the heart speaks” (which includes Twitter) (Luke 6:45). Jesus also said we will know their character by what their life produces. (Matthew 7:17-20).

I would like to ask everyone reading this, what comes out of your mouth? Also, what “fruit” does your life produce? Is it hate or love, contention or peace, truth or deception, decency or immorality?

Please, let’s remember the truths Jesus taught as we evaluate all of the politicians this year and as we evaluate our own conduct.

The future of our country depends on it.

Tenia TryonCortez