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Thanks for letting me serve you

I would like to express my gratitude to the citizens of Montezuma County for allowing me to serve as the Montezuma County Assessor the past 11 years. My wife, Margaret, and I will always consider the time we lived and worked in Montezuma County a wonderful blessing in our lives. We are finally settled into our new life in Scottsdale and my new job in the private sector representing taxpayers is keeping me very busy. The new employment opportunity presented to me was bittersweet. Due to term limits, I could not run for re-election as the assessor and I am fortunate to have a new job. In addition, most of our children live in the Phoenix area and it is great to be closer to them. However, we greatly miss the many friends we have in Montezuma County.

Second, and more important, I want to convey my support and endorsement for William “Scott” Davis in his efforts to be elected as your next assessor. Scott has worked in the assessor’s office for 19 years. He is currently serving as your assessor by way of an appointment by the Montezuma County commissioners. He is a certified general appraiser, which is the highest level of licensure possible. Scott served as my deputy assessor for 11 years, and he is very familiar with the county and the assessment guidelines enforced by the state. He was largely responsible for establishing taxable values on property during my time as assessor. I first met Scott 14 years ago, and I have watched with pride his growth both professionally and personally over that time. If elected, Scott will manage a very taxpayer-friendly office that will work in favor of the public whenever possible while, at the same time, complying with the edicts from the state and passing annual state audits.

With the 2014 Republican Party County Assembly rapidly approaching, I wanted to share this endorsement of Scott. He is clearly the best choice for the position of assessor.

Mark Vanderpool
