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Stuart and Liliana Hanold: A new season is upon us

It was a difficult decision, but my wife and I are transitioning out of the pastorship of the Cortez Family Worship Center Foursquare Church after 14 great years. We had no plans to leave, but our National Church Office in L.A. created two new positions – one in Spanish and one in English and offered them to my wife and I. We accepted and have been assigned to Denver.

We love everyone here so very much. Our church family has been the best, and we will miss everybody a lot!

We want to personally invite anyone who knows us or our ministry to come to our farewell celebration this coming Sunday, Aug. 27 at 10:30 a.m. at 500 N. Washington.

We will miss everyone very much, but we will still be connected as overseers.

Thank you everyone for your love, support and love.

We’d love to see you all!

In Him,

Pastors Stuart and Liliana Hanold
