
Sheriff’s blotter

Sunday, Jan. 19

2:29 a.m. A man and woman were drinking and stopped at a rest area in the 32000 block of U.S. Highway 160 to use the toilet. When she came out, her husband was gone. A Mancos Marshal’s Office deputy observed the car in the 38000 block of U.S. Highway 160, but he allegedly fled. He kept fleeing authorities, and was eventually caught after a spike strip blew out the front two tires of his vehicle in the 27000 block of the highway. Even with the damaged tires, he entered Cortez at 100 mph in 45 mph zone, a Sheriff’s Office report said.

Wednesday, Jan. 22

12:29 a.m. An “unwanted person” was detained at the Days Inn by Wyndham hotel in Cortez, 2604 E. Main St. He was left with a Cortez police officer.

11:50 a.m. A driver was pulled over in the 7000 block of U.S. Highway 160 for having a tail light out. She was cited for driving with a suspended license and for not having proof of insurance.

12:07 p.m. A man was arrested at the Montezuma Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St., on suspicion of contempt of court and taken to jail.

2:12 p.m. An individual was remanded to custody at the Montezuma Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St., and taken to jail.

4:26 p.m. An inmate at Montezuma County Jail violated a protection order when she called a victim involved in the order.

Thursday, Jan. 23

9:25 a.m. A man with a warrant for failure to appear in court on DUI charges was arrested at the Montezuma Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St., and taken to jail.

2:43 p.m. A man with a warrant turned himself in at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

Friday, Jan. 24

11:43 a.m. A woman was served with an arrest warrant at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

Saturday, Jan. 25

1:09 a.m. A heater in a shed reportedly caught a trap on fire, which caused two sheds and a vehicle to ignite in the 6000 block of Road 24.3 in Cortez. The Cortez Fire Protection District put out the fires, though the sheds and vehicle “were completely burned.”

11:11 a.m. A woman was pulled over for speeding in the 34000 block of U.S. Highway 160. She was going 75 mph in the 65 mph zone, and had tribal identification but no license; her license had been revoked. She was cited for driving with a revoked license.

11:36 p.m. A vehicle was pulled over in the 25000 block of Road L for suspicious activity. The driver said he was looking for a phone, and the officer saw an open container of alcohol in the center console. The driver was underage and admitted to drinking while driving, which “lowered standards” for his DUI. He was cited with driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 or more.

Sunday, Jan. 26

12:11 p.m. A man with a felony warrant out of Denver was arrested in the 28000 block of U.S. Highway 160 after his aunt called authorities for feeling unsafe and wanting him removed.

Monday, Jan. 27

3:14 p.m. A driver was pulled over in the 27000 block of Colorado Highway 184 for having expired registration. The driver was unable to provide proof of insurance and also had a suspended license. He was cited with all three violations.

Tuesday, Jan. 28

9:19 a.m. A water master from the Montezuma Valley Irrigation Co. noticed a dozen piles of toilet paper and human feces near a canal in the 27000 block of County Road S when he was on a GIS assignment. There was a camp trailer parked 40 yards north, but nobody was there. They will forward a report to the health department.

10:36 a.m. An individual was remanded to custody at the Montezuma Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St., and taken to jail.

11:17 a.m. A man driving with a suspended license was pulled over for 92 mph in a 65 mph zone in the 1000 block of U.S. Highway 160. He was cited with speeding.

11:30 a.m. An individual with a warrant for failure to appear was arrested at the Montezuma Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St., and taken to jail.

1:40 p.m. A man was pulled over for reckless driving and cited for driving with a suspended license.

2:15 p.m. An individual was remanded to custody at the Montezuma Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St., and transported to jail.

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