
Sheriff’s blotter

Friday, Dec. 27

3:56 p.m. A car battery and toolbox were reported stolen from a man’s work truck in the 7000 block of Road 24.3, with a cumulative value of $600. The truck’s owner said he would lock his gate and install cameras.

Wednesday, Jan. 1

6:14 a.m. A male slumped over in the driver’s seat of a running vehicle in a no-parking zone of the Ute Mountain Casino was taken into custody by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. A Montezuma County deputy responded and performed a roadside exam. The suspect agreed to a breath test and was arrested on suspicion of DUI.

Thursday, Jan. 2

3:18 p.m. A man was arrested on suspicion of violating a protection order at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St., when he visited an inmate, a protected person.

Monday, Jan. 6

8:10 a.m. A man was reported missing in the 6000 block of U.S. Highway 160 after not returning home for over 24 hours. He was on medication, has mental health issues, and took the family car, a white Ford C-Max.

Monday, Jan. 13

5:50 p.m. A man was arrested on suspicion of violating a protection order after a neighbor noticed him at his wife’s house on Seventh Street in Dolores and called authorities. The man said he was there to collect money for a hotel room.

Tuesday, Jan. 14

9:45 a.m. A homeowner in the 14000 block of Road 28 reported there has been suspicious activity at his property since September, when people removed metal off his shed and allegedly stole two animal traps. In December, someone tried to break into his home when he was away and, more recently, he awoke to an occupied white sedan in his driveway. The officer recommended he install cameras.

10:48 a.m. A man with arrest warrants agreed to turn himself in after having a drink. A deputy initially went to the suspect’s home in the 25000 block of Road F and the suspect’s mom said he was not home. The deputy told the suspect his mom would be arrested for aiding and abetting if he did not turn himself in, so he did after having a drink.

12:48 p.m. A suspect with arrest warrants at a residence in 24000 block of Road G in Cortez hid in a vehicle parked behind the residence. A deputy found him and took him to the Montezuma County Detention Center.

2:40 p.m. A “private delivery person” from Walmart was bit by a dog after delivering packages in the 5000 block of Road 24.5 in Cortez. The dog’s owner said she wasn’t expecting a delivery, and the dog had current shots, so no quarantine was required. The victim was checked by medical personnel.

Wednesday, Jan. 15

11:47 a.m. A couple who had been drinking got in a loud argument after the wife turned off the music to take a phone call in the 28000 block of U.S. Highway 160 in Cortez. She was arrested on a warrant.

1:08 p.m. A gold Dodge Caravan with no license plates was towed after it had been left on the side of the roadway in the 5600 block of Road 25 for three or four days.

Thursday, Jan. 16

2:39 p.m. An inmate at the Montezuma County Detention Center was served with a warrant from New Mexico.

Friday, Jan. 17

9:26 a.m. A man who lives near U.S. Highway 491 and Road P accused his neighbor of following and harassing him. A deputy told the two to stay away from each other and cited the neighbor with driving with a suspended license.

11:51 a.m. An inmate at the Montezuma County Detention Center was served a warrant from the La Plata County Sheriff’s Office for third-degree assault.

6:13 p.m. Two people were arrested during a traffic stop in the 38000 block of U.S. Highway 160 in Mancos, and a Sheriff’s Office deputy responded “to assist.” The deputy dropped a third person involved off at the Dollar General, per their request.

Sunday, Jan. 19

6:02 a.m. A green Honda Civic that had been in a vehicle pursuit with Cortez Police earlier that day crashed in the 17000 block of Road G. No driver was found, but open beer cans were found in and around the vehicle. When the Honda was towed, a deputy found a cellphone in the ditch near the driver’s door.

Monday, Jan. 20

2:02 p.m. Two inmates in the Montezuma County Detention Center got into a fight for “issues” they had with each other outside jail. The inmate who threw the first punch was cited with third-degree assault, and the other said he didn’t want to press charges.