
Sheriff’s blotter

Tuesday, May 9

12:59 p.m. A man with a protection order that restricts him from contacting his father or being near his father’s property in the 200 block of South Eighth Street was confronted by a man who works for his father at the residence. The men argued, and the son left. The man was arrested at the Dolores Public Library, 1002 Railroad Ave., on a warrant and on suspicion of violating the protection order.

Wednesday, May 10

7:05 a.m. A man found that the home he was renovating at Elegant Hills Trailer Park in Cortez, 28330 Road K.2 had been vandalized. A window and the front door had been broken, holes had been put in the walls, concrete had been poured in the drains, a bathroom countertop had been broken, electrical fixtures had been pulled out and many surfaces and appliances had been spray-painted. On one wall was covered with expletives and a homophobic slur that were written with spray paint. The man had last checked on the home on May 3.

Monday, May 22

8:11 p.m. A woman in the 23200 block of Road T noticed her mother’s weapons, ammo and safety gear was missing. A rifle, a handgun, several knives, a safety coat and vest, an ammo bag and rifle ammo were gone. The residence had water damage that required the woman to vacate while repairs were being completed. The home was secured on May 15, and on May 19 one of the doors was found to be unlocked. The mother suspects kids who live nearby might have taken the items.

Wednesday, May 31

4:48 p.m. An officer provided scene security for a Colorado State Patrol DUI investigation in the 6000 block of Road 25. The driver was arrested by CSP, and the officer stayed with the vehicle until it was towed.

5:46 p.m. A woman in the 32700 block of Road P told dispatch that her boyfriend tried to break into her house, cut her hand with a knife, choked her and bit her. Officers detained him. The woman refused care for her hand, and when the officer asked her to step outside, the woman closed the door and refused to communicate. The boyfriend stated the woman had took his vehicle to her home, broke into his father’s house, left a pair of pants and the keys to the vehicle and took eight jars of cannabis. He said the woman slammed the door on his foot and he left his shoe there to walk away. The boyfriend did not have a knife on him, and he stated he did not cut her. Because the woman would not speak with the officer, no charges were pursued.

Thursday, June 1

2:42 p.m. An officer provided scene security for Bureau of Indian Affairs traffic stop near the intersection of Mike Wash Road and Bear Dance Road in Towaoc.

7:21 p.m. An officer served a warrant to a woman in custody of the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

Saturday, June 3

11:45 a.m. An officer questioned a man at Southwest Memorial Hospital, 1311 N. Mildred Road, on behalf of Colorado State Patrol. The man had been in a head-on collision in the 30000 block of U.S. Highway 160. The man stated he had smoked a cannabis concentrate from a vape pen three to four hours before the crash.

Monday, June 5

9:32 a.m. An officer served two warrants to a man in custody of the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

Saturday, June 6

10:33 a.m. A woman in the 7100 block of Road 25.2 was arrested on a warrant.

The Journal