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Sheriff Blotter

Wednesday, Aug. 2

7:12 a.m.: A man was served with a warrant at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

4:14 p.m.: A man was served with a Cortez misdemeanor warrant at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St., for failure to comply in a third-degree assault charge and violation of bail bond conditions.

Thursday, Aug. 3

12:24 a.m.: A woman was issued a summons in the 6000 block of U.S. Highway 160 on suspicion of driving under restraint, driving an uninsured vehicle and driving with a defective headlamp. A male passenger was arrested on a warrant for failure to appear. When deputies told the man to step out of the vehicle, he reportedly reached into his pocket and started to pull out something with a black handle, ignoring orders to show his hands. One deputy pointed his gun at the man, thinking he might be armed, but the man was reportedly arrested without further incident. A black tire iron was found in his possession.

9:16 a.m.: A man was arrested on a warrant in the 25000 block of County Road N.

2:02 p.m.: A man was served with a warrant at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

2:26 p.m.: Deputies responded to a report of property damage at Montezuma County Fairgrounds, 30100 U.S. Highway 160. The fairgrounds manager reported the sliding portion of his office window had been removed and left on the ground. He said nothing appeared to be missing from his office. The case remains under investigation.

2:53 p.m.: Deputies responded to a report of property damage in the 400 block of Central Avenue, Dolores. A man reported a tree had fallen on his pickup and camper, causing $4,000 to $5,000 in damage.

7:03 p.m.: A man was issued a summons in the 3000 block of U.S. Highway 160 on suspicion of displaying fictitious plates and driving without insurance after being pulled over for weaving.

9:22 p.m.: A man was arrested in the 700 block of East Second Street on two Cortez municipal warrants.

10:41 p.m.: A man was issued a summons on suspicion of owning a dangerous dog after a woman at the emergency room of Southwest Memorial Hospital, 1311 N. Mildred Road, claimed his dog had bitten her juvenile daughter on the leg while she was jogging near his residence.

Friday, Aug. 4

2:20 a.m.: A man was issued a summons in the 27000 block of Colorado Highway 184 on suspicion of violating a fire ban after a neighbor claimed he had made a campfire and left behind embers in the fire pit. Deputies ordered the man to pour water on the embers and make sure they were extinguished.

4:23 a.m.: A man and a woman were arrested in the 29000 block of U.S. Highway 160 on a warrant for criminal mischief and on suspicion of DUI, respectively, after La Plata County law enforcement alerted deputies to look for their vehicle, as they were suspects in a possible La Plata County assault. Several marijuana pipes and products were found in their vehicle.