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Sanders supporters brought you Trump

In these helter-skelter days, when opinions flail wild and beliefs rage bold, when things fall apart and the center won’t hold, when the best lack conviction and the worst screech and scold, here are some facts – courtesy of The New York Times – that might help us all get a hang on poor ol’ reality.

In 2016 in Pennsylvania, 117,000 Sanders primary voters switched to Trump, who won state in the general election by a margin of 44,292 votes. In Michigan, 48,000 Sanders primary voters switched to Trump, who then won the state by 10,704 votes. In Wisconsin, 51,3000 Sanders primary voters switched to Trump, who then won the state by 22,748 votes. Now you do the math and then tell me – who elected Trump in 2016?

And oh, before I forget, Bernie Sanders has never in a lifetime registered as a Democrat. He is not registered as a Democrat now. What is it, exactly, that gives him the chutzpah to run, twice in a row, as a Democrat?

Beats me.

Tom GivonIgnacio