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Residents contribute caps for migrants

Thank you to all the Montezuma County folks who donated caps to our Help Deming Help Migrants campaign. In a little more than a week, we collected 202 caps! That’s about enough to cover heads on one day’s arriving migrant population there. I am so grateful to live in this big-hearted community.

Wendy and Eric Bardrof delivered the caps on Wednesday, June 12. Here’s what she had to say: “A bus load of folks were being brought in to the fairgrounds from the receiving area (where they get to shower and have a medical check up, arrange transportation to their sponsors’ places, etc...) when i dropped the [caps] off. I wish I could have taken pics to show you, but it’s not allowed (ostensibly out of respect for our guests).” This photo shows the caps in the back of the truck ready to be unloaded at the distribution center. Just imagine a smile on every cap! Cortez, you put those smiles there. Thank you again.

Heidi N. Brugger
