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Relax, abortions won’t be outlawed

Although a lot of superficially informed people are yelling and screaming about the current Roe v. Wade kerfuffle, it might help to mention a few clarifying comments. First of all, abortions are not going to be outlawed, so relax. And I say that as someone who is pro-choice and neutral. The Supreme Court finding in Roe v. Wade was that there was a hidden, but inferred “right” in the Constitution for privacy. There is not, and pretty much everyone knew that the decision was extra-Constitutional. That’s why Democrats always tried to cover their bases by trying to get every Republican judicial nominee to say that Roe v. Wade was “settled law.”

The Democrats knew it was bad law but wanted to use it anyway. The Constitution says nothing about abortion and privacy, so the matter is rightfully a matter for the states to decide in their legislatures. That’s all that will happen if Roe v. Wade is overturned: The states will make their own democratic decisions and laws. What’s the worst case for the pro-abortionists? Probably all that will happen is that abortions will be restricted to something like 15 weeks, just like they do in European countries. So calm down, please. Too many of the angry reactions are out of ignorance and emotion.

Mike Sigman
