
Region 9 businesses in SW Colorado may be eligible for Enterprise Zone tax credits

An informational traisning will be provided by Region 9 Development District at the Cortez Welcome Center
Courtesy by City of Cortez

With tax season coming, businesses in the Region 9 Economic Development District can learn about applying for Enterprise Zone Tax Credits.

The Region 9 district will hold an informational training for permitted businesses.

“The Enterprise Zone Tax Credit is a statewide program that identifies areas of Colorado for tax incentives to invest in local businesses,” said Helen West, Cortez’s Community and Economic Development Specialist.

Businesses located in the Enterprise Zone – Montezuma, Dolores, San Juan, most of Archuleta and parts of La Plata counties – are eligible for multiple state tax credits.

According to a news release, businesses earn the credits through investments in training, job creation, vacant building rehabilitation, equipment and more.

Additional incentives can be provided to Enhanced Enterprise Zones, which consist of Dolores, Montezuma, San Juan and parts of Archuleta counties.

Chuck Forth, a certified public accountant from Cortez’s Forth & Associates PC, will be at the training to assist businesses and answer any questions people may have.

The training will take place on Thurs., Nov. 2 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Cortez Welcome Center, 928 East Main St.

The city of Cortez will provide lunch for registered participants.

Additionally, the session is available through Zoom for registered participants.

Those interested must register by visiting

For more information, email Helen West at

Those interested and want to learn more about the Enterprise Zone Program can also visit the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade website at