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Question merits more than sound bites

My name is MB McAfee, the “she” to whom Rob Pope referred in his letter to the Journal, (

Our county commissioners have asked the Planning and Zoning Commission to make recommendations about a county sales tax. Mr. Pope is a member of P&Z. At the April 9 commissioners’ meeting, there was an agenda item at 2:45 p.m., “Planning and Zoning Commission discussion with commissioners regarding county budget shortfalls.” According to the minutes, four P&Z members were present. They had gathered around the table with the commissioners for the discussion. Several county staff as well as several members of the public were present; however, the room was not “full of people” as Mr. Pope asserts.

Near the end of the discussion, audience members were asked to share their opinions about a county sales tax. I expressed support for a county sales tax, as did candidate Jim Candelaria. And, I further commented that there is no silver bullet for the dwindling Kinder-Morgan revenue. I addressed my comments to the commissioners and the P&Z members.

I was about to sit down when Mr. Pope specifically asked me how I would deal with the budget shortfall. It was not the appropriate setting or time for such a question. The topic of our budget shortfall is serious and complex. It merits thoughtful, thorough and intentional conversation rather than a sound-bite answer to a sound-bite question.

MB McAfee

Democratic candidate for county commissioner
