Police Blotter

Thursday, July 25

A woman reported that she was being harassed. The woman said that a man had been following her around town and texting her phone. She said that she has already changed her number once. She said that the man was able to get her new number because he has a friend that works at the Verizon store. The woman said that he would text her and say that she was looking nice and then describe what she was wearing. She said he would also randomly drive by her and honk when she was at local businesses. The woman said that he wanted to be with her but she just wanted him to leave her alone. She said she has never had a relationship with him and never wants to. When police attempted to contact the man he said he was busy and would call them back because he was on the reservation. The officer took pictures of all the texts and will follow up with the man.

Monday, July 29

Police noticed a vehicle parked in the playground area of Manaugh School. Since the area is blocked off and there is no way for a vehicle to get inside, they began to investigate. They noticed that the double gate on the west side of the building had been destroyed and it appeared that someone attempted to drive this vehicle through the gate. The vehicle was empty but police were able to contact the owner of the vehicle. The owners of the vehicle were asleep and said that they might have left the keys in the vehicle. The owners took the vehicle home and said they would contact their insurance to get a quote on the damage. Manaugh School will also get an estimate for the damages to the gate. There are no further leads as to who took the vehicle and drove it through the gate.

Wednesday, July 31

Police reported to West Third Street for a cold domestic violence incident. A woman said that her and her boyfriend had been dating for about five months and she had recently found out she was pregnant. The woman said that her boyfriend had gone to her place of work and had been drinking’ after work she went home and went to bed while her boyfriend stayed and drank. When he came home, she noticed him texting one of her co-workers. When she confronted him about it he became angry and grabbed her cheeks and told her she was dumb. The woman said that he shoved her to the groundm pushed her to the ground again and kicked her in the right lower side of her back, he also tried punching her in the stomach but the woman was curled up trying to protect her unborn child. The woman’s roommate insisted that she call the cops or he was going to. The woman’s roommate said that he woke up and heard his roommate say “Get your hands off me, I’m pregnant!” and then heard her boyfriend say, “I don’t care”. The woman was concerned that her boyfriend was going to be very angry since he was on parole and he could go back to prison because of this incident. Since the boyfriend was not at the residence when police arrived they placed a warrant for him for third degree assault and domestic violence.

Wednesday, July 31

Police responded to a local gas station for a report of a cold theft. The manager of the store said that the mothers of three juveniles came into the store and told him their kids stole two lighters on July 28. The manager told police that the mothers wanted him to pursue charges against the three juvenile males. The mothers wanted police to speak with their sons about what happened. The three boys said they ran away from home on July 28 and decided to steal some lighters so they could build a fire. The boys explained that two of them distracted the cashier while the third stole the lighters. The surveillance camera proved that their statement was correct. The three male juveniles were issued a notice of violation/juvenile diversion referrals for shoplifting.