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Pinon Project plans fun run, games and carnival for Oct. 27

Pinon Project plans fun run, games and carnival for Oct. 27
Tori Glazner and Jordan Comisky entered a Halloween costume contest in Cortez in 2016.

The Piñon Project will kick off its annual Halloween festival on Oct. 27 with a Pumpkin Fest featuring the 5K Zombie Run in Montezuma Park.

The event will start with a 5K fun run starting off in Montezuma Park, according to a press release from program director Ian Elder-Cheyne.

“You don’t have to outrun the zombies, just your friends,” Piñon Project Director Kellie Willis said in the press release. “The fun will continue with a costume contest, trick-or-treating and a carnival with games. We welcome everyone to attend – if they dare!”

The event benefits the Pinon Project, and individual tickets are $30 for adults and $15 for youths age 17 and younger. Group discounts are available. Fun run participants who preregister with Kelly Proctor at 970-564-1195 may receive a T-shirt.

The Piñon Project also plans a costumed trick-or-treating parade for adults and children on Main Street, a carnival, games and trick-or-treating.


Fun run registration: 8 a.m.-9 a.m.Fun run: 9 a.m.Costume Contest: Register at 10 a.m.; judging at 11-11:30 a.m.Trick-or-treating: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Carnival and games: noon to 2:30 p.m.For more information, contact Ian Elder-Cheyne at 970-564-3808 or ieldercheyne@pinonproject.org.

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