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‘People are not the priority in Durango’

The decision by the seemingly non-local Main Avenue building owner the McLean Family LTD Partnership to leave The Hive without a space to operate shows – once again – that people are not the priority in Durango.

Whether it’s unhoused people, low-income families or children looking for safe and healthy outlets, prioritizing people continues to move down the list.

The Hive offers a safe space for kids to partake in age-appropriate activities and connect with other youths who often find themselves feeling alone or outcast. It also offers a space for adults to enjoy these same benefits, hosting programs for local nonprofits like In The Weeds, among others.

Places like The Hive help people avoid situations that lead to things like substance abuse and homelessness, taboos the community self-righteously casts shame over.

If we’re serious about our community having more people who “contribute,” one obvious step is for those of us with resources to step in and help. It’s common practice to judge community members who are struggling to survive or get themselves on solid footing.

Early intervention is a huge step in ameliorating these situations.

The Hive provides healthy outlets and a sense of self-worth that helps to prevent the aforementioned conditions from taking hold.

Durango desperately needs more Hive and less McLean Family LTD.

If you’re in a position to help The Hive, please, do so. Know that you’re not just helping one organization, you’re helping fellow community members who might not find that help anywhere else.

Jeff Dunn
