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‘Overconsumption in Durango, sustainability’

My friend and I are in sixth grade at Mountain Middle School. We would like to reach out about overconsumption in Durango and also help the sustainability of our town.

As you see, we would love to send a message to help out the entire world. Even though Durango has a lot of sustainable fashion, we would love to send a message to those who don’t. Some steps of education we are taking include interviewing the sustainable fashion stores in Durango, such as Lively and Patagonia retailers.

We are aware of other overconsumption things, so we are taking an even bigger step to make posters, and put them up around town and our school.

We are also spreading our idea to bigger, fast fashion stores, including Shein, Zara and H&M, trying to offer other options. As you can see, we want to help our Earth and make it healthy for other generations.

We are very grateful if you consider us or even read this. Thank you, so much.

Betsy Beal

Farrah Arms
