It is amusing to see that The Journal’s Editorial Board has declined to endorse anyone in the 22nd Judicial District race for District Attorney.
This in the same issue in which their own heroic reporter reveals that one of the candidates in the race – Democrat Christian Hatfield – is somehow, miraculously, escaping prosecution for DWI because blood samples drawn from him after he wrecked his car last summer have languished untouched in a cop fridge for two months.
And in which we learn Hatfield’s lawyer called the superb and dogged reporter the c-word for daring to reveal the truth.
It is bad enough The Journal can’t back the work of its own reporter by drawing the obvious conclusion that Hatfield is unfit to be dogcatcher – much less our chief crimefighter – and endorse Hatfield’s opponent. Or at least make clear why they endorse no one.
But the real kicker is that the same newspaper today runs a wire story about how outrageous it is that the Washington Post refused to make an endorsement in the presidential race.
That, you see, is an outrage.
That our local paper is too chicken to declare a local Democrat unfit for office – as laid out clearly by The Journal’s own reporter – is just comical.
Or would be, if it weren’t so shameful.
Glenn May