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Montezuma School to Farm Project launches website for children

The Journal

Montezuma School to Farm Project launched a new website for youths in Montezuma County at www.MSTFPkids.org.

The project will load seven new lessons for children each week. Lessons are designed for students kindergarten through fifth grade. Subjects include gardening activities, culture, STEM, art, language arts, the environment and cooking.

“We shut down programming three weeks ago because of COVID cases increasing in the area schools. It was a tough decision, but we felt everyone’s health took precedence. We quickly shifted gears and over a morning brainstorming session came up with the topics we wanted to teach. Our AmeriCorps members have been truly understanding and flexible with the changes,” Karen Lindner, education manager, said in a news release. “They never hesitated at the idea and literally ran with it,” “We are dedicated to providing the highest quality lessons possible right now, even if we can’t be face to face in the garden spaces.”

MSTFP has gardens at Cortez Middle School, Lewis-Arriola, and Mesa, Manaugh. Kemper, Mancos and Dolores elementary schools.