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Montezuma County Sheriff Candidate Questionnaire: Nowlin

Steve Nowlin

Name: Steve Nowlin

Age: 57

Telephone:(970) 882-7627

Email: cspdolores@yahoo.com

Website: www.nowlinforsheriff.org

1. How do you define freedom of the press?

By having an open door relationship and good communications with the press and all media sources. It provides another avenue for our citizens to stay informed of how our tax dollars are being utilized, and provides input for the responsible government agency. Freedom of the press is a right of a free society. (First Amendment of the US Constitution and Article II Section 10 of the Colorado Constitution)

2. List three action items your administration would take to guarantee the people’s right to know?

Allow media access to public records during regular business hours. Meet with all media sources and develop easy two-way communications with selected contact persons, so that timely and accurate information can be provided, and that questions or concerns can be properly addressed. For ongoing criminal investigations, coordinate release of information with all agencies involved, including the District Attorney prior to release. I would encourage citizens and media representatives to ride a long or spend time with deputies in all divisions so that we can improve and develop good partnerships.

3. What is the overall goal of the criminal justice system?

Our criminal justice system is responsible for protecting and serving our citizens rights through professional law enforcement agencies, courts, and county/state/federal detention systems. Alleged violators or criminals are afforded “due process” in our courts of accused law violations, given a fair trial and if convicted, either sentenced to rehabilitation or incarceration, as provided by law.

4. Define the role of sheriff within the criminal justice system.

A Colorado Sheriff is sworn to uphold and support the U.S. Constitution and Colorado Constitution and perform the duties as defined in the Colorado Revised Statues. Such duties include the responsibility of keeping the peace, protection of lives and property, equal and fair enforcement of all laws, apprehension of criminals, execution and service of writs and orders issued by the courts within the county, properly maintain a jail or detention facility to include the due care and safety of all prisoners and staff, transport prisoners to and from courts or correctional facilities, provide court security, issue concealed handgun permits, work with and assist all fire protection districts within the unincorporated areas of the county, ensure proper security of all property held as evidence or safe keeping and to ensure a timely release to the rightful owner. The role of sheriff also includes good working relationships with all citizens, visitors, and other government agencies or departments.

5. Is political party affiliation important as the county’s top law enforcement official? Why or why not?

Yes and No. It may provide some insight by others as to what some of your core values might be, but as a professional peace officer, politics and law enforcement must remain separate. I feel what is most important is who you are, your qualifications, experience, competency and ethics. As the “County’s Top Law Enforcement Officer” you serve and work for everyone, no exceptions. It does not matter what our citizens political affiliation, if any, might be. It does not matter who they are, age, race, gender, religion, beliefs, social or economic status. We are all guaranteed the same rights and protections provided by our Constitutions and laws.

6. Describe the biggest mistake of your professional career. What lessons did you learn?

Taking to personally, the outcome of a criminal case involving a crime against a person, and putting my anger and displeasure in writing so that it could be delivered to the prosecutor in charge of the case. I later realized how unprofessional and demeaning this act was. I learned that everyone has their own definition of justice, and that I must learn to be the best that I can be in my profession in order to provide victims with the best opportunity for justice to be sought, understanding that I play just one part in our Judicial System.

7. Describe the greatest accomplishment of your professional career. Who is your mentor and why?

I believe I have had many accomplishments in my career, and do not know how to identify the “greatest”. The best accomplishments I have had is the opportunity to change peoples’ lives by my intervention and performance of duty, which afforded them the chance to change their behavior and get a productive and meaningful life back. My mentors have been many important people throughout my life who I have learned valuable lessons, my parents and family, my pastor and leaders who have set examples.

8. If elected, what changes would you make in the sheriff’s department during your first 100 days in office?

Provide professional leadership, integrity and responsibility to the men and women of the Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office, and the citizens of Montezuma County. Improve communications between the Sheriff’s Office and the public they serve. Allow and have alcohol and drug counselors available to work with inmates in the detention center. Allow and have continued education providers available to work with inmates in the detention center. Increased drug enforcement. Have a complete and thorough independent audit. Work to obtain better medical and health benefits for employees and their families. Provide necessary and appropriate skills training for deputies and staff in each division, to include higher education opportunities. Train and provide two agriculture deputies so that seven day a week coverage can be provided for livestock and water calls for service. Seek to improve school security by providing specially trained deputies.

9. If elected, what would be the top priorities of your administration?

Bring professional leadership and integrity to a new Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office, to include bringing public service back to the business of serving the public. Build the most highly trained and respected law enforcement agency in the State of Colorado while being fiscally responsible with our tax dollars. Develop and improve partnerships and good working relations with our communities and surrounding agencies at all levels in order to provide a safe and secure environment for everyone.

10. What are your thoughts on the recent reform of marijuana laws, and what efforts would you undertake to protect minors?

The real effects of Amendment 64 have yet to be seen and are already showing indicators of increased impaired driving and easier access for minors, as well as health hazards to minors within the homes where consumed. It may also have an impact on effective drug education, community resources, and businesses not associated with the marijuana industry. Increased education and child protection is paramount. In order for a law enforcement agency to set an example as being truly professional, a zero tolerance drug use policy must be implemented, to include prohibited use of medical or recreational marijuana by deputies, with random drug testing to ensure compliance for the safety of our citizens. 11. Do you think there is a disproportionate number of minorities incarcerated locally, and what outreach efforts would you undertake to ease minority concerns?

I have not observed a disproportionate number of minorities being incarcerated. We have laws that prohibit racial profiling of any kind, and the implementation of contact and arrest data reporting can be performed and made available for inspection. Any and all concerns or problems could be addressed by developing good working relationships with groups and entities, and having regular or continued contact, along with providing annual training for deputies.

12. How would you handle corruption within your department?

I will not tolerate it at any level. Corruption of any kind deteriorates public trust, and not only effects every member of the law enforcement agency where it may have occurred, but has a detrimental effect on all law enforcement agencies and officers. It would be dealt with immediately, appropriately, legally and effectively. Public corruption can be prevented by proper and proven methods of selection and hiring practices, proper training and supervision along with appropriate and effective policies and procedures that are followed.

13. What cost-saving measures would you undertake to ensure responsible oversight of taxpayer funding?

Proper foresight and line item budgeting will greatly assist in cost reduction, along with closely monitoring expenditures as well as input from the members within the agency. Successfully obtaining available grant dollars where appropriate can help provide cost savings measures while providing a beneficial service to everyone in our county. Much of the high liability and essential training needed can be provided locally, and with the proper training resources being brought here instead of having to send employees great distances.

14. What promises would you make to rural taxpayers regarding how your administration would use LEA funds?

By strictly following the resolution guidelines and the intended purpose, which includes funding for certified officers, their benefits, vehicles and equipment for use in the unincorporated rural areas of Montezuma County, and that will obtain and retain trained qualified officers. It’s goal was to improve safety and service to our rural citizens, and with proper management and oversight, this goal can be achieved. Responsible and justifiable requests for expenditures from this funding is required, with full accountability to our rural taxpayers.

15. Provide any additional comments and/or biographical information you think is important to your campaign.

I have 37 years of experience as a certified Colorado peace officer, serving and protecting our communities in Montezuma County and the four corners area. I have the leadership abilities needed to manage, supervise and develop a professional, competent and respected law enforcement agency that the current and future employees of the Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office, and the citizens they serve, can be proud of, and so desperately want. I can provide the resources needed for the proper type of training, skills, abilities, and equipment that our law enforcement professionals need to succeed in a multitude of situations they will be called upon to handle in a proficient manner, and all with being fiscally responsible to the taxpayers of Montezuma County. I would bring to our law enforcement agency, accountability and the capabilities of developing good working and long lasting partnerships with other governmental agencies at all levels, community services, schools, businesses, and most importantly.....our citizens.